Monday 2nd January 2023, Ss. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, bishops and doctors of the Church. St Basil, 330-379, Bishop of Caesarea, lived an ascetic life establishing norms for monastic life. He was a theologian of distinction. St Gregory, 329-389, a friend of Basil, was Bishop of Sasima and later of Constantinople. He retired to live a monastic life.
Tuesday 3rd January, The Holy Name of Jesus; St. Munchin, bishop
Thursday 5th January, St Charles of St. Andrew, priest
Friday 6th The Ephiphany.
Saturday 7th January, St Raymond of Penafort, priest. 1175-1275, was a brilliant lawyer when, at the age of 47, he became a Dominican. Later he became Master General of the Dominicans and Archbishop of Tarragona. Patron saint of Canon Lawyers.