Tuesday 20th December, St Fachanan. Although little is known for certainty about Fachanan, a strong tradition from early times links his with Kilfenora and records that he founded a church or monastery there in the sixth century. He is venerated as the patron of the diocese of Kilfenora, now part of Galway.
Wednesday 21st December, St. Peter Canisius, priest and a doctor of the Church, 1521-97, was born in Holland. He intended to become a lawyer but joined the Jesuits. Through courtesy and learning he promoted the Catholic revival after the Council of Trent. His greatest work was a catechism of 211 questions and answers, published in 1555.
Friday 23rd December, St John of Kanty, 1390-1473. He taught theology and scripture in the university of Krakow, Poland. He is remembered for his austerity of life and generosity.