Monday 21st, The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Tuesday 22nd, St. Cecilia the patroness of music and musicians, was a second or third- century Roman Christian martyr. According to tradition, she refused to worship the Roman gods and was beheaded.
Wednesday 23rd, St. Columban was born around 543. He became a monk at Bangor and later principal teacher there. In 591, he set out with twelve companions and came to Burgundy. He established three monasteries there and later founded Bregenz monastery in Austria, finally arrived in Bobbio, near Genoa in North Italy where he set up what was his greatest foundation. He died in 615 and is remembered as one of the greatest of the Irish missionary monks.
Thursday 24th, St. Colman was born around 530, probably in west Cork. A bard by profession, he is reputed to have been influenced by St. Brendan to become a priest. His apostolate was to east Cork and his main foundation was at Cloyne.
Friday 25th, St. Catherine of Alexandria was martyred in 310 at Alexandria. Her body is venerated at the monastery on Mount Sinai. St Clement I, third successor of St. Peter as Bishop of Rome (88-97). His letter to the Corinthians, called for peace and harmony in the life of that community. Exiled, he was martyred by drowning in Crimea.