Monday 8th, St Dominic, 1170-1221, a Spaniard who founded the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) to counteract heresy in Europe.
Tuesday 9th, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), Patron of Europe): born 1891 at Breslau, Poland, the youngest of seven children of a Jewish family. A brilliant student, she gained her doctorate in philosophy at twenty-five. Became a Catholic in 1922 and a Carmelite nun. She fled to Holland when the Nazis came to power but she was captured and sent to Auschwitz where she died in its gas chamber on 9 August 1942.
Wednesday 10th, St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr. Died in 258. Is seen as the cheerful giver since he was one of the seven deacons of the Roman Church in charge of the material needs of the faithful. Gifted with a sense of humour, he met his death cheerfully on a gridiron. From earliest times seen not only as a patron saint of the poor but also of cooks.
Thursday 11th, St Clare of Assisi, born in 1193, died in 1253. She followed St. Francis in his life of poverty and was founder and ruler of the Poor Clares. She led an austere life, abounding in works of piety and charity. Patron of television.
Friday 12th, there are four saints who can be celebrated on this day — St. Jane Francis de Chantal; St. Muredach; St. Attracta; St. Lelia.
Saturday 13rd, St. Facthna, founder of the monastery of Ross Carbery. He died around 600. His monastery was the principal monastery in West Cork and had a famous Scripture School.