Wednesday 27th St Asicus; was St. Patrick’s expert craftsman in metal work and accompanied him on his journeys. He was left in charge of the church in Elphin which Patrick is said to have founded.
Thursday 28th St Peter Chanel (1803-1841) honoured as the first martyr in Oceania. St Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort (1673-1716) Cared for the sick and the poor. His writings concern Mary’s role in salvation and he promoted the praying of the Rosary.
Friday 29th St Catherine of Siena: (1347-1380) Doctor of the Church, Patron Saint of Europe. Catherine was a Dominican tertiary who brought peace to Siena, her home town, to Italy and to fourteenth century Europe, spent all her energies on the Church, being able to achieve the pope’s return from Avignon (France) to Rome. Remembered also as a mystic and reformer of religious life. Proclaimed doctor of the Church in 1970 and Paron of Europe in 2000.
Saturday 30th Pope St. Pius V (1504-1572). Elected pope in 1565, he implemented the reforms of the Council of Tent, including the Breviary, Missal and Catechism.