Monday 21st, St. Aloysius Gonzaga joined the Jesuits and as a model novice he worked in the plague hospital and caught the fever, dying in 1591 at the age of 23. Patron of youth.
Tuesday 22nd, St. John Fisher (1465-1525), as Vice-chancellor, built Christ’s and St. John’s Colleges, Cambridge, Bishop of Rochester. His love of truth brought about his death. St. Thomas More (1478-1535), the first commoner to be Lord Chancellor of England, suffered martyrdom also under Henry VIII. Patron of lawyers and those in public life.
Thursday 24th, The Nativity of St. John the Baptist: We rejoice at the coming of Saint John the Baptist, a man of self-denial, integrity of life and purpose, and an uncompromising prophetic voice. John means, ‘The Lord has shown favour.’ This feast related to the summer solstice, when the days begin to grow shorter, recalling John’s words: ‘He must increase, but I must decrease.’