Monday 10th: St. Comgall was born in Co. Antrim around 516. Studied under Finnian of Movile and deepened his life of prayer to counteract his temptations to boredom and homesickness. He was persuaded to become a priest and then established a monastery at Bangor around 558 which attracted people like Columbanus. Also founded one in Scotland.
Wednesday 12th: Ss. Nereus and Achilleus were martyred in 304 during the reign of the Emperor Diocletian. They were Roman soldiers who, on conversion, refused further military service; St. Pancras as a boy of fourteen suffered at the same time and was martyred in Rome in 304.
Thursday 13th: Our Lady of Fatima.
Friday 14th: St. Matthias Apostle. Like all the apostles, was chosen to become a witness to Christ’s Resurrection. He preached in Judaea and then in Turkey, where he was the vital instrument in bringing many to the faith. Martyred at Calchis, on the shores of the Black Sea.
Saturday 16th: St. Carthage, from a rich Co. Kerry family, loved the chanting of the psalms, so the local king arranged for him to become a priest. After a year possibly in Bangor, he founded his own monastery at Rahan in 595. It grew rapidly. However, opposition made him move around 637 and along with hundreds of monks and their patients from the leper colony, he made a foundation at Lismore, dying there in 578.