Tuesday 3rd December, St Francis Xavier, 1506-1552, one of the first seven Jesuits, was sent to India by St. Ignatius. He converted many in Goa and later in Japan. He died as he attempted to enter China. A patron of the missions.
Wednesday 4th December, St. John Damascene, priest and doctor of the Church, 675-749, was a Syrian Christian theologian. He becamea priest in the monastery of St. Sabas near Jerusalem and was a leading figure in the defence of icons in the iconoclastic controversy.
Friday 6th December, St Nicholas, was a fourth-century Bishop of Myra, in modern-day Turkey, of whom little is known. He is patron of Russia, sailors, pawnbrokers and children.
Saturday 7th December, St. Ambrose, 340-397, became governor of the Roman province that had Milan as its seat. In 374, the laity insisted on his becoming bishop though he was still not baptised. He defended orthodoxy in brilliant preaching and through his writing. Patron of Milan, bee-keepers and domestic animals.