Thursday, 21st November, The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The feast day of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary originated in the East and was included on the General Calendar in the sixteenth century. It celebrates Mary in her grace-filled life, wholly given over to the Holy Spirit.
Friday, 22nd November, St. Cecilia, virgin and martyr. She is the patron saint of music and musicians and was a second or third century Roman Christian martyr. According to tradition, she refused to worship the Roman gods and was beheaded.
Saturday, 23rd November, St. Columban, abbot and missionary, was born around 543. He became a monk of Bangor and later principal teacher there. In 591, desiring to ‘go on pilgrimage for Christ’, he set out with twelve companions and came to Burgundy. He established monasteries in France and one in Bregenz in Austria and his greatest foundation at Bobbio, near Genoa, where he died in 615. He is remembered as one of the greatest of the Lrish missionary monks.