Monday, 11th November, St Martin of Tours, bishop, 316-397. Bishop of Tours, apostle of rural Gaul (modern France), founder of monasteries. Patron of France, soldiers, beggars and innkeepers.
Tuesday, 12th November, St. Josaphat, bishop and martyr, 1580-1623. Bishop of Polatz, worked for the reunion of Ukrainian Catholics; his murder by those who opposed reunion brought about many conversions.
Thursday, 14th November, St Laurence O’Toole, 1128-1180. He studied at Glendalough, becoming a monk there and later its abbot in 1148. In 1162, he was chosen as the first native Archbishop of Dublin. A great reformer, he fought for upholding the rights of the Church and caring for the people. He worked for peace and reconciliation and died on a mission of mediation with King Henry II and the Irish rulers at Eu in Normandy.
Friday, 15th November, St. Albert the Great, bishop and doctor of the Church. c.1206-1280. The Dominican theologian, who taught in Cologne, was called the ‘Universal Doctor’ for the vast range of his interests. Patron of scientists.