Feast Days

Monday, 23rd September, St Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio), priest, died on 23rd September 1968 in the Capuchin monastery in San Giovanni. A Capuchin friar, a stigmatist, he was renowned as a confessor, and a friend of all who suffer.

Thursday, 26th September, Ss. Cosmas and Damian, early martyrs in Syria, patrons of physicians. They were known as ‘the holy moneyless ones’ in the East, since they never took money for their medical services.

Friday, 27th September, St Vincent de Paul, 1580-1660, committed to care of the disadvantaged and the oppressed, founded the Congregation of the Mission (the Vincentians) and the Daughters of Charity (1633), the first sisters to work outside their convents in active service. He also worked in relation to the reform of seminary formation. He is the patron saint of all charitable works.