Monday 5th February, St. Agatha, died a martyr for the faith at Catania in Sicily in the third century. Patron of bell-founders.
Tuesday 6th February, St. Paul Miki and Companions, martyred at Nagasaki, Japan, in 1597. The six Franciscans, seventeen Franciscan Tertiaries, and three Jesuits who died were suspended on crosses.
Thursday 8th February, St. Josephine Bakhita, 1868-1947, a native of Sudan, brought as a slave to Italy where she became a Christian and later entered the Institute of Canassian Daughters of Charity in Venice.
This day, the memorial of St. Josephine, was designated in 2015 as International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking. Each year, around 2.5 million people are victims of trafficking and slavery. For those engaged in trafficking it has become one of the most lucrative illegal activities in the world. Through the Day of Prayer, we reflect on the experience of those who have suffered but also we are called to reach out to victims and survivors.
Saturday 10th February, St. Scholastica, died c.543, sister of St. Benedict. She spent her life as a consecrated virgin. Patron of convulsive children.