Monday 3th July, St. Thomas, apostle. St. Thomas is said to have preached the gospel in India where he was martyred. The faith that led him to know Christ in his wounds also sent him to the farthest places to preach Christ.
Tuesday 4th July, St. Elizabeth of Portugal, 1271-1336, of the House of Aragon, had an unhappy marriage with the king of Portugal. She persevered in prayer and good works and as a widow lived in poverty as a Franciscan tertiary.
Wednesday, 5th July, St. Anthony Zaccaria, 1502-1539, was a medical doctor before becoming a priest in Milan. He founded the Barnabites.
Thursday 6th July, St Maria Goretti, 1890-1902, was stabbed to death in defence of her virtue. St. Moninne of Killeavy was one of Ireland’s early women saints. After instruction on the religious life, she founded a community which initially consisted of eight single women and a widow with a baby at Sliabh Gullion, Co. Armagh. They lived a hermetical life, based on that of Elijah and St. John the Baptist. Moninne died in either 517 or 518.
Friday 7th July, St. Maelruain, bishop and abbot, founded the monastery of Tallaght, Co. Dublin, in 774 which introduced a reform. Important liturgical and spiritual writings emerged from this movement known as the Celi De reform. He died in 792.
Saturday 8th July, St Kilian, was born in the parish of Mullagh in thte diocee of Kilmore. With eleven companions he left Ireland and became known as the apostle of Thuringia and eastern Franconia. He was put to death in 689. There is a very strong devotion to him in Wurzburg, where his remains lie, and also throughout the Bavarian countryside.