Wednesday 10th May, St Comgall, was born around 516 in Co. Antrim. He studied under Finnian of Moville and deepened his life of prayer to counteract his temptations to boredom and homesickness. He was persuaded to become a priest and then established a monastery at Bangor around 555-8, which attracted people like Columbanus. He also founded a monastery at Tiree in Scotland. He died after a long
illness at Pentecost 602.
St. John of Avila, priest and doctor of the Church, 1499-1569. Priest, honoured as apostle of Andalusia, renowned for his preaching and his quest for the renewal of Christian life.
Friday 12th May, Ss Nereus and Achilleus, were martyred in 304 under Diocletian. They were Roman soldiers who, on conversion, refused further military service. St Pancras as a boy of fourteen suffered at the same time and was martyred in Rome in 304.
Saturday 13th May, Our Lady of Fatima. The apparitions to the three children of Fatima took place in the summer of 1917, beginning on May 13th when the ‘Lady’ asked them to pray for sinners and an end to the World War. In the final apparition on 13 October, the ‘Lady’ identified herself as Our Lady of the Rosary and called for prayer and conversion.