To celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in our parish, a Special Holy Hour takes place this evening at 5.00pm in Holy Rosary Church, led by Fr. John Keane, Spiritual Director of Diocese of Cloyne Eucharistic Adoration. The 10.00am. Mass tomorrow Monday is being offered in thanksgiving for all Graces and Blessings received. Everybody is most welcome.
Below are some Testimonials from Adorers
- Some days I go to my hour feeling my world is upside down, but I always leave at the end of the hour feeling peace.
- Thank You Jesus for finding the right house at the right price for my daughter and her husband.
- I feel happy for the opportunity to become closer to Jesus.
- I handed over my worry to You and you found me the perfect job. Thank you Jesus.
- My friend has been inspired through my prayers in adoration to give up alcohol.
- I feel peaceful in the presence of the Lord and to switch off from the outside world.
- Thank You Jesus,for all the Graces and Blessings, received for myself and my family.
- I always get peace of mind from spending time in The Adoration Chapel.
- For quiet contemplation and time to think – That’s why I like spending time with The Lord in The Eucharistic Adoration Chapel.
- “I believe that the quiet time I spend with Jesus in The Blessed Sacrament Chapel every week, helps me to grow in Faith, Hope and Love and brings me Peace in a troubled world”.