Easter Sunday and the days during Easter Week up to and including the Second Sunday of Easter form the Easter Octave. The Octave sees the week, through the use of the First Preface of Easter every day, as if it is one day. From the Monday of the Second Week of Easter any of the five Easter prefaces may be used.
In this year’s Liturgical Calendar, the following is written in relation to Easter Sunday: ‘Christ is risen, alleluia’ This is the ancient Christian greeting on this day of great joy and happiness for all.’ Then it quotes from the Catechism of the Catholic Church: “Easter is not simply one feast among others, but the ‘Feast of feasts’. The mystery of the resurrection, in which Christ crushed death, permeates with its powerful energy our old time, until all is subjected to him’ (CCC 1169).
In relation to Easter Time, it says: ‘The celebration of Easter is prolonged throughout the Easter season. The fifty days from Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday are celebrated as one feast day, the ‘great Sunday’. The Sundays of this season are regarded as Sundays of Easter and are so termed; they have precedence over all feasts of the Lord and over all solemnities. Solemnities that fall on one of these Sundays are anticipated on the Saturday. Celebrations in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary or the saints that fall during the week may not be transferred to one of these Sundays.
The clergy of the parish would like to thank everyone who helped in any way during the celebration of the Holy Week and Easter Triduum liturgies and wish all our parishioners a holy, happy and joyful Easter. May God bless you all and all who are dear to you.