Cork County Council – through its COVID-19 Community Support Programme – is working with a range of statutory and voluntary organisations to ensure that the needs of older people and more vulnerable people are met across the towns, villages and communities of County Cork during this COVID-19 crisis. The County Council is working with An Garda Síochána, the HSE, Local Development Companies, The Churches, IFA, Local Link, An Post, the Cork Volunteer Centre, and others, to coordinate a multi-agency response in the delivery of much needed services to vulnerable citizens across County Cork.
The Council’s Community Support Programme is available and ready to help you or someone you know – whether that is by collecting medication, collecting groceries, providing social support or advice, or simply by making a friendly phone call. To access this support, Cork County Council has established a dedicated FREE contact number 1800 805 819 with lines open from 8.00am to 8.00pm seven days a week. You can also email covidsupport@corkcoco.ie or text (085) 8709010. The Council, and its trusted partners, will do its utmost to help people through these challenging times.