The 99th anniversary of the Clonmult Ambush will be commemorated at the ambush site on Sunday 23rd of February at 12.45pm. Dr. Gabriel Doherty of the School of History, University College Cork, will deliver the oration. A Mass of remembrance will be celebrated at 11 am in St Lawrence’s Church, Clonmult. Both events will be organised by a local community based committee. All welcome.
There is also a Commemoration Ceremony in Holy Rosary Cemetery on Sunday 23rd.
Prayers and laying of wreath at the Republican Plot, Holy Rosary Cemetery, Midleton, on Sunday 23rd February 2020 at 9.15am.
Mass will be offered at 10.00 am on Thursday 27th February 2020, for those who died as a result of the Clonmult Ambush 1921. Families, friends and all welcome.