It is hoped to re-introduce the Children’s Liturgy at the 10.00 a.m. Mass on Sunday mornings. During Mass, after the introductory greeting, children from senior Infants to second class will be invited by the priest to go to the sacristy with trained volunteers for their own Liturgy of the Word. The children will return to their families during the preparation of the gifts to celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The readings are adapted to the language of the child whiie still maintaining the integrity of the Word. The children are given opportunities to hear and respond to the Word of God in ways which are suited to their age and ability.
It is hoped this liturgy will re-commence possibly at the start of Lent in 2024. This Childrens Liturgy is run by a group of volunteers…. a minimum of two at all times. Anyone interested in helping with this ministry is welcome. If interested, please contact the Parish Office at (021) 4636508.
For a short period of time, sample handouts used at the Children’s liturgy will be available at the back of the Church. (Unfortunately, handouts for the current liturgy are not yet available.) Please feel free to take one for your child.