A few weeks ago the Diocese published the results of The Council of Priests’ assessments of our celebration of the Sunday Mass. In it there is an acknowledgement of the continuing fall in the number of priests and need to look at the number of Masses being offered in each parish to the number of priests active and what can be done. Here in Midleton, this was discussed by the Pastoral Council and it was acknowledged that the number of priests had fallen from what it was in the not too distant past and that there is a possibility that it could fall again soon because of the needs of the diocese as a whole. It was decided to test a change of times and numbers of Masses to allow for two priests to celebrate in extraordinary circumstances and when three are present to celebrate two Masses. It was originally meant to be put in place for two weeks in July but due to present circumstances in the parish it will be in place from the weekend of 7th July to the weekend of the 25th of August. The Mass times for those weekends are as follows:
6.10pm Vigil Holy Rosary
8.00am Holy Rosary
9.00am Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Chapel
10.00am Ballintotis
10.30am Holy Rosary
12.00noon Holy Rosary