Monday 21st August – Celebrating One Year to the World Meeting of Families 2018 in Knock
We invite you and all your family to come along to the launch of the one-year programme of preparation for World Meeting of Families 2018, which will take place at the Knock Shrine, County Mayo, on Monday 21st August 2017 on the Anniversary of the Apparition of Our Lady in Knock. This day of celebration will include liturgical moments, the celebration of the Eucharist, workshops, as well as faith and fun activities for all the family. The WMOF2018 Icon of the Holy Family will be unveiled and anointed at Mass in the Basilica at 3 pm and then begin its journey around the dioceses of Ireland. Please join us in Knock that day with all your family!
We look forward to welcoming families from every diocese across the country for this special celebration. More information on: www.worldmeeting2018.ie