Week 2019 will run from Sunday January 27th to Sunday February 3rd. The theme for this year is “Celebrating the Work of our Local Catholic Schools.” During this week our schools will be reflecting on and celebrating their identity as Catholic schools. Representatives from the different schools will also be present at the 10am Mass in Holy Rosary Church during the week as well as at the 9.15 First Friday Mass in Ballintotis.
Here in Midleton we have the following Catholic schools: St. Brigid’s, CBS primary, Gaelscoil Mainistir na Corann and Ballintotis National School, as well as St. Mary’s High School and CBS secondary. They are a very important part of our parish and we very much appreciate all that they do in helping to pass on the faith to our young people. Please pray especially for the pupils, staff, boards of management, and all involved in our Catholic schools.
Monsignor Jim Killeen
Parish Priest.