
St Martin Triduum

Three nights of intercession for healing and peace. Starts Sat 3rd November, with Mass 6pm. St Mary’s, Pope’s Quay. Everybody very welcome.

Living Word Prayer Group

Living Word Prayer Group welcomes you to Edmund Rice Centre on Tuesday evening at 8pm weekly, as we continue to experience the spirit of mission and community in our parish. Come as you are when you can for Praise and…
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Parish Mission Collection – Thank You

A sincere thanks to all who contributed so generously, to our Parish Mission collection. Your generous response has covered most of the cost, which included the stipend for the three missioners, the printing and posting of brochures, the road signs,…
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Rural Stations

A concelebrated Mass will take place for all rural station areas not otherwise arranged, in Holy Rosary Church on Monday November 5th at 7.30pm. If you would like host a station for an area please contact the relevant priest as…
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Upcoming Rural Stations

Friday 9th November: Ballintotis, Ballybutler, Ballyedekin Farrentrenchard in St. Colman’s Church, Ballintotis.

Stitching & Knitting Show

Bus going from Midleton to Stitching & Knitting Show in R.D.S. Dublin, on Saturday, 10th November. Join us for a wonderful day out. For more information to book your seat and entrance ticket, contact Margie at 087-9761479.

Relief Bus Escorts

St. Paul’s School, Scoil Bernadette, Scoil Eanna. Bus Escorts required to travel with children with an intellectual disability/autism from Cork City and County to schools in Montenotte, Cork to be responsible for their health & safety whilst travelling. Morning &…
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Bible Study Group + Vatican 11 Study Group

The Bible Study Group will recommence on Tuesday, 23rd October in The Parish Office at 10.30am. All welcome. Vatican 11 Study Group will recommence on Wednesday 24th October at 7.30pm in the Parish Office. All welcome.

Confessions and Anointing

Confessions and Anointing in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Chapel, on Friday next, 26th October, at 11.20am.

Children’s Rosary in Holy Rosary Church

This Sunday, 21st Oct: Children’s Rosary in Holy Rosary Church, Midleton at 6.30pm followed by refreshments nearby. Children and teens will take part with their parents and grandparents. Rosary beads will be available.

Rural Stations

Rural stations will take place this week as follows: Stumphill, Castleview, Churchtown, Whiterock & Dunsfort at the home of: Betty Holland on Monday October 22nd at 7.30pm Caheralton, Curragrine & Loughaderra at the home of Michael and Joan Fitzgerald on…
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Eucharistic Adoration

Adorers are urgently needed to spend an hour in Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament. Monday morning: 1.00am – 2.00am, 2.00am – 3.00am, Thursday morning 1.00am – 2.00am Friday morning 5.00am – 6.00am Monday 12.00noon – 1.00pm. Tuesday 7am – 8am,…
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October is Mission Month!

A time of celebration, when churches worldwide come together to support the life-changing work of our fearless missionary brothers and sisters overseas. This year World Mission Sunday will be celebrated on the 21st October. It is the one day in…
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Living Word Prayer Group

Living Word Prayer Group welcomes you to Edmund Rice Centre on Tuesday evening at 8pm weekly, as we continue to experience the spirit of mission and community in our parish. Come as you are when you can for Praise and…
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