“But when the Son of Man comes, will he find any faith on earth?” For the third week in a row faith is referred to in the Gospel. First, we encountered the apostles asking the Lord to increase their faith, then last week we heard about the Samaritan leper who was cured and came back praising God for what Jesus had done for him being told by the Lord to stand up, your faith has saved you and this week we hear Jesus looking toward the future and posing a question — when he returns will there be any faith on earth?
If there is to be any faith on earth it needs to be nourished and it needs to be shared and it needs to be taught and discussed. Faith is nourished through prayer — the parable in the gospel this weekend is about the to pray continually and never lose heart. Do we share our faith with others? Do we discuss the faith we have with others or do we simply try to impose our understanding of the faith on others? Are we willing to develop our understanding of the faith as the evangelists were when they were inspired to write down the gospels that have brought the Good News to us. Do we reflect on that Good News and open our hearts and minds to the spiritual riches that are available to us in scripture?