The disciples were arguing about who was the greatest among them. Jesus challenges them and points out very quickly what he feels about those who are power-seekers! “If anyone wants to be first, he must make himself last of all and servant of all”. The norm is turned upside down. Service before power. Then to highlight the point he puts his arms around a little child and says that anyone who welcomes a little child in his name welcomes him. And whoever welcomes Jesus welcomes the Father who sent him. God is welcomed when we welcome the innocence of the little child — there are times when that is forgotten in very simple ways. One is when a child might be making noise in the church and the parent or parents are asked to keep them quiet or leave. That child’s reaction in the church, his or her questioning, self-expression may be their prayer at that time. Maybe if we find ourselves distracted by a child in church we make them part of our prayer and thank God that they are there, showing Him to us.