Autumn Stations: All Station Masses are in Holy Rosary @ 7.30pm. Envelopes for the station offerings are available at the back of the church and may be returned in any of the following ways:
- Baskets will be placed on the altar rails before all weekday Masses
- A special collection box will be at the back of the church at weekend Masses
- Hand it in to the sacristy before or after any Mass
- Drop it in to the parish office or any priest’s house.
- Post to the parish office, but do not send cash in the post. Any cheques should be made payable to Midleton Parish No 2 a/c. If using a station envelope please put it inside a plain one.
- By online transfer to the following account: Midleton Parochial No 2 Account
- IBAN: IE83 AIBK 9341 2714 7992 64
Please do not put envelopes in the collection boxes during the day as they are unattended. If you cannot get a station envelope you can put your donation in an ordinary envelope but please write your name, address, and the words ‘Autumn station’ on the outside. We thank you for your continuing generosity. In the present climate the Rural Stations will not be held in people’s homes. The Station Areas will be grouped and Masses for those groups will be celebrated in Holy Rosary, dates to be decided.