Author Archive: Bulletin Editor 2


Confessions: Friday 7pm — 8pm; Saturday 11.30-1pm.


Anniversaries: Fr. Edmund O’Brien, Eileen Lehane, Marie Hennessy, Pat & Paul O’Connell, Tom, Mary, Marian & Dermot Conroy, David (Dots) O’Brien, Anne O’Brien, Kitty Duggan (nee Daly), Jim & Gretta Beausang.

The Pope’s Intentions for December 2023

For Persons with Disabilities- “We pray that people living with disabilities may be at the centre of attention in society, and that institutions may offer inclusive programmes which value their active participation.”

Quote for the Week

“If you have too much to do, with God’s help you will find time to do it.”

Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina continues this Wednesday night, 20th December at 7.30pm in the parish office.

New Parish Pastoral Centre

The parish is looking for Painting Contractors who are interested in quoting for the complete painting internally of the new Parish Pastoral Centre. For further details and specification, contact Padraig Foley (Clerk of Works) 086-8060868.

Feast Days

Monday 18th, St. Flannan, lived in the 7th century and was the son of a king of Thomond. He entered Malua’s monastery at Killaloe and became abbot there. He is remembered as a great preacher. Tuesday 20th, St Fachanan. Although…
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Children’s Liturgy of the Word

It is hoped to re-introduce the Children’s Liturgy at the 10.00 a.m. Mass on Sunday mornings at the start of Lent in 2024. During Mass, after the introductory greeting, children from senior Infants to second class will be invited by…
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Blessing of the Baby Jesus figures

All parishioners, and especially the children of the parish, are invited to bring the baby Jesus figures from their home crib to be blessed at all the Masses for the Fourth Sunday of Advent in Holy Rosary and Ballintotis. Following…
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Mass Times

Vigil Mass: 6.10pm; Sunday 8am, 10am and 12 Noon. Ballintotis 10.30am. Weekday Masses this week: Monday to Friday 8am and 10am; Saturday 10am.


There are two more Sundays in Advent. The Third Sunday is on the 17th and the Fourth Sunday is Christmas Eve, 24th December. Masses for both of those Sundays as normal. The morning Masses on the 24th cover for the…
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Christmas Details

Advent Carol Service, Sunday 17th December, 5pm. Masses for Christmas: Christmas Eve, the Vigil Mass for Christmas Day at 6.10pm and 9pm in Holy Rosary and 8pm in Ballintotis. Christmas Morning: 8am, 10am and Noon in Holy Rosary and 10.30am…
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