Author Archive: Bulletin Editor 2

Prayers For The Holy Souls

Cemetery Prayers take place on today Sunday, November 5th, in Holy Rosary Cemetery, at 3pm, and in Ballintotis after the 10am Mass. Times for Prayers in our other Cemeteries in the Parish have yet to be decided. They will be…
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All Saints

Next Wednesday, November 1st is The Feast of All Saints and is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses on Wednesday are the same as on Sunday. The Vigil Mass is on Tuesday Evening at 6.10pm, with an extra Mass on…
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Bank Holiday Mass

The 10.00am Mass on Monday is the only Mass being celebrated, due to Bank Holiday.

All Souls Day

Thursday, 2nd November, is All Souls Day. Usual weekday Masses, plus evening Mass at 7.30pm in Holy Rosary.

First Friday

Next Friday, November 3rd, is the First Friday of the month. The Divine Mercy Devotions are incorporated in the 7.30pm First Friday Mass. Confessions on Thursday after 10.00am Mass and on Friday at 7.00pm before the 7.30pm Mass. No Mass…
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Cemetery Prayers November 5th

Cemetery Prayers take place on Sunday November 5th, in Holy Rosary Cemetery, at 3pm, and in Ballintotis after the 10am Mass.

Computer Course for Senior Citizens

A Log on Learn course will commence on Thursday, November 9th, at St. Mary’s High School. This programme is for Senior Citizens who wish to learn Basic Computer Skills. The course will run for 4 weeks from 4.00pm to 5.00pm…
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Knitting & Stitching Show Dublin

There is a bus going to Knitting & Stitching Show in Dublin on Saturday, 11th November. For more information contact Margie @ 087-9761479

Monthly Confessions and Anointings

The monthly Confessions and Anointings, take place on Friday next, October 27th at 11.20am in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Chapel. Everybody is very welcome.

Ballinacurra Stations

All Ballinacurra Stations will be celebrated in The GAA Pavilion on Wednesday, October 25th at 7.30pm. Everybody is very welcome.