Author Archive: Bulletin Editor 2


The Priests of the Parish would like to take this opportunity to wish all Parishioners a very Happy, Holy, Healthy and Peaceful Christmas and New Year.

Parish Office

The Parish Office will re open on Tuesday, January 2nd 2018 at 10.30am

Mass Reminder

Reminder: There is only one morning Mass being celebrated this week, from Tuesday 26th to Saturday 30th inclusive ie: the 10.00am Mass in Holy Rosary Church. St. Stephen’s Day Mass will be celebrated in Polish at 11.00am in Holy Rosary…
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Parish Calendars available

Parish Calendars are available at the end of the Church. You are invited to take one home as you leave.

Parking in The Church Grounds

As announced last week parking spaces in the Church Grounds are limited, thank you for your cooperation in following the arrows, but don’t forget absolutely no parking on the grass.

A Prayer for Those Away from Home

As always at this special time of year we think of those away from home A Prayer for Those Away from Home. Loving God We pray for those whom we love, But who are absent from us Keep them safe…
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Parking in The Church Grounds

Spaces for parking in the Church Grounds are limited, so if you want to ensure a parking spot the best thing to do is arrive in plenty of time before Mass. Unfortunately at present the signs to go around the…
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Carol Service

The Annual Carol Service will take place today in Holy Rosary Church at 5.00pm. Everybody is very welcome and encouraged to attend to prepare for Christmas Day.

Míle Buíochas

A sincere word of thanks to everyone who helped to make last Wednesday’s Coffee Morning in aid of the Pro Life Campaign such a great success – those who attended, bought tickets, gave donations provided raffle prizes. Many thanks.