Author Archive: Bulletin Editor 2

Thank You to Fr. Roche

As Fr. Roche takes his leave of us, we would like to thank him for his tremendous work in Our Parish, during his time here, especially his Faith Camps and The Rosary every third Sunday for children and teenagers. I…
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The Issue of Water

Water is a natural resource vital for the survival of humanity and all species on earth. As a good of Creation, water is destined for all human beings and their communities. Fresh drinking water is an issue of primary importance,…
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Children’s Rosary

Today being the 3rd Sunday of September, The Children’s Rosary will be recited in Holy Rosary Church at 6.30pm. Everybody is very welcome. Refreshments served after.

St. Mary’s High School Midleton Open Evening

Thursday 26th September 2019 – 4.30pm – 6.45pm Parents and prospective pupils are invited to visit the school and to attend a Presentation on the First Year and General School Programmes.

Legion of Mary Pilgrimage to Knock

The annual Legion of Mary Pilgrimage to Knock, takes place on Sunday, 29th September. Bus leaving Midleton Park Hotel at 6.30am. Pick-up Carrigtwohill, Main St. 6.45am. For further information contact Mary on 087-1279323 or Sheila on 087-9322998. Everybody welcome.

Altar Servers Note!!

Holy Rosary Parish wishes to thank the Altar Servers who were so faithful over the year and during the Summer holidays. We would like to say a very special thanks to the children who served over the years but are…
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Season of Creation

Wetlands converted into cultivated land lose the enormous biodiversity which they formerly hosted. In some coastal areas the disappearance of ecosystems sustained by mangrove swamps is a source of serious concern. It disturbs us to learn of the extinction of…
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Study Pastoral Liturgy 2019-20

The National Centre for Liturgy in Maynooth is offering four modules this semester, beginning in September. Lectures take place in Maynooth on Mondays and Tuesdays. For further details see The parish may be able to offer full or partial…
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Blessing for Expectant Parents

There will be a Special Blessing for all expectant parents at all Masses on the weekend of the 7th and 8th of September 2019. All those expecting babies are invited in a special and loving way to the Masses on…
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Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy of the Word will recommence September 8th during the 10.30am Eucharistic Celebration, for children of ages 5-8, where they are given an opportunity to listen and respond to the Word of God in an age-appropriate manner. The CLoW…
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Eucharistic Adoration

A large crowd attended the meeting on Wednesday evening, 21st August in Holy Rosary, in relation to Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. We would to thank all who attended and contributed to the meeting. The implementation of some of the suggestions made…
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First Friday

Next Friday September 6th, is the First Friday of the month. There is an extra Mass in Holy Rosary at 7.30pm. Divine Mercy Devotions are incorporated in the 7.30pm. Mass in Ballintotis at 9.30am.

Midleton Life in the Spirit Prayer Group

Midleton Life in the Spirit Prayer Group: restarts next Tuesday at 8pm in Room 1 of the Edmund Rice Centre. Come as you are for Praise, Gospel, Reflection, Rosary and Intercession. Contact Willie on 0867713976 with any queries.