Author Archive: Bulletin Editor 2

Pro Life Trust

A sincere word of thanks to all who contributed to the recent Church Gate Collection, in aid of PLT – your support is much appreciated. Amount collected €815.50.


Today is the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is a time of waiting, conversion and of hope. Waiting in memory of the first, humble coming of the Lord in our mortal flesh; waiting supplication for his final, glorious coming as…
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Promoting Climate Action & the Sustainable Development Goals This year’s One World Week takes place from December 1st to 8th 2019. The theme is Climate Action and the Sustainable Development Goals. Throughout the week young people and youth organisations will…
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Feast of Christ The King

Sunday 24th being the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year is the Feast of Christ The King. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place as follows: St Colman’s Church, Ballintotis: 11am to 2.30pm Holy Rosary Church Midleton: 3pm to…
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Confessions and Anointing

Confessions and Anointing will be celebrated next Friday, November 29th, in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Chapel at 11.20am

Notable Dates in December

Parish Penitential Service will take place on Thursday December 19th, at 7.30pm in Holy Rosary Church. The Parish Carol Service will take place on Friday December 20th, at 7.30pmin Most Holy Rosary Church.


On this Sunday Nov 24th we remember our many deceased members at the 12 Noon Mass, 40 years after the first Mass the choir sang in Holy Rosary Church for the deceased members of the IMP factory. We would like…
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First Sunday of Advent

Next Sunday 1st December is the first Sunday of Advent, the beginning of the Church’s New Liturgical Year. The second week of Advent falls on December 8th. Because of this the Feast of The Immaculate Conception is celebrated this year…
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The Call to Holiness

The letter to The Hebrews presents a number of Testimonies that encourage us to ‘run with perseverance the race that is set before us’ it speaks of Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Gideon and others. Above all, it invites us to realise…
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Mass for the Holy Souls in November

During the month of November, Mass will be celebrated every Friday evening at 7.30pm for the Holy Souls. The special Mass for all those who died during the year will be celebrated on Friday, November 29th, at 7.30pm. Everyone is…
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Feast of Christ The King

Next Sunday, 24th November, is the Feast of Christ the King and the last Sunday of the Church’s Year. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place as follows: St Colman’s Church, Ballintotis: 11am to 2.30pm. Holy Rosary Church Midleton:…
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Children’s Rosary

Children’s Rosary will take place this Sunday 17th at 6.30pm in Holy Rosary Church. Rosary, Gospel reflection and hymns with refreshments afterwards. All welcome especially young people and families.

Recent Collections

The recent collection for The Education of Seminarians & Permanent Deacons amounted to €3,431.00 and the on Mission Sunday came to €4,826.00 for which we are very thankful.