Author Archive: Bulletin Editor 2

The Replacement Apostle—St. Matthias

We know precious little of St. Matthias from the Bible, which records his name just twice. But his story illustrates the centrality the resurrection had for early Christianity, and particularly for what it meant to be a Christian apostle. After…
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Quote of the Week

“The eucharistic celebration is the action of Christ himself and the Church. In it, Christ the Lord, through the ministry of the priest, offers himself, substantially present under the species of bread and wine, to God the Father and gives…
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Sunday Masses: Holy Rosary — Vigil 6.10pm; Sunday morning 8am, 10am and Noon. Ballintotis — 10.30am. Weekday Masses – Monday to Friday 8am and 10am. Confessions are heard in the Adoration Chapel on Saturdays from Noon to 1pm.


Anniversaries: Oliver Parsons, Sheila Cox, Jane Daly, Jack O’ Keeffe, Kathleen Dempsey, Aleksandras Kovaliovas.

Holy Rosary Closing Time

Holy Rosary closes at 7pm (unless there is a liturgy taking place in the church after that time).

The Pope’s Intentions for April 2024

For the Role of Women — “We pray that the dignity and immense value of women be recognised in every culture, and for the end of discrimination that they experience in different parts of the world.”

Feast Days

The Annunciation of the Lord. Because this year saw the 25th March fall within Holy Week the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord had to be moved to the earliest possible date and because of Holy Week and the…
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Donations for Trocaire can be returned to the sacristy in Holy Rosary and to the Parish Office.

St. Peter and the Empty Tomb

After being told by Mary Magdalene and the other women that they had found Jesus’ tomb empty, Peter responded in a way that most of us probably would have: he immediately ran off to the tomb to confirm their story….
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Doubting Thomas

Doubting Thomas: “St Thomas is officially the patron saint of architects, but he must also have a special concern for all those—I imagine many if not all of us—who at some point in our lives have had any doubts about…
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Divine Mercy Sunday

This weekend we hear that Gospel proclaimed at Mass. Divine Mercy Sunday is another name for the Second Sunday of Easter and it ties in with Jesus being open and merciful to all. St. Thomas doubted because he hadn’t seen….
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Quote of the Week

The Resurrection is God’s “Amen!” to Christ’s statement, “It is finished.”

Sunday Masses

Holy Rosary — Vigil 6.10pm; Sunday morning 8am, 10am and Noon. Ballintotis — 10.30am.


Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday and today the Mass times are as usual. There will be Stations of the Cross, this Sunday the 24th @ 5pm in Holy Rosary. Mass times for Monday through to Wednesday are 8am and…
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