Author Archive: Bulletin Editor 2

Mass times

Sunday Masses: Holy Rosary, Vigil 6.10pm; Morning 8am, 10am and 12 Noon. Ballintotis 10.30am Weekdays: Monday to Friday 8am and 10am; Saturday 10am.

Feast Days

Thursday, 27th February, St Gregory of Narek, abbot and doctor of the Church. c. 950-1003, was a monk of the Armenian Church, a mystic and poet. His best known writing is ‘Lamentations’ also called simply ‘Narek’, a collection of 95…
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Pope’s Intentions for March

For families in crisis: “Let us pray that broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other’s gifts, even in their differences.”

Alpha Youth

The Alpha Youth Group continues to meet on Wednesday evenings. We ask you to keep the young people involved in the group in your prayers.

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes

The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place from May 30th to June 4th. Applications now open. If you, or someone you know, would like to travel to Lourdes as part of our Assisted Pilgrim group please contact Mallow Parish Office…
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2025 Jubilee Year of Hope

Today, we arrive at the eighth, and last, of the signs of hope that Pope Francis speaks about in the document relating to the Jubilee of Hope. It is the sign of hope that needs to be shown to the…
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Altar Servers

At the moment we have two altar servers. If there are any boys or girls from fourth class to sixth class who would like to serve in Holy Rosary at the weekend Masses and for the ceremonies during the year,…
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Quote for the Week

“Live, love, dream, believe. And, with the grace of God, never despair.”

Mass times

Sunday Masses: Holy Rosary, Vigil 6.10pm; Morning 8am, 10am and 12 Noon. Ballintotis 10.30am Weekdays: Monday to Friday 8am and 10am; Saturday 10am.

Feast Days

Friday, 21st February, St. Peter Damian, bishop and doctor of the Church, 1007-1072, gave up teaching to become a hermit. Latethe was Cardinal Bishop of Ostia. He was an outstanding reformer of Church life and discipline. Saturday, February 22nd, The…
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Pope’s Intentions for February

“Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life.”

Alpha Youth

The Alpha Youth Group continues to meet on Wednesday evenings. Please continue to keep the young people involved in the group in your prayers.

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes

The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place from May 30th to June 4th. Applications now open. If you, or someone you know, would like to travel to Lourdes as part of our Assisted Pilgrim group please contact Mallow Parish Office…
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