Tuesday, 28th January, St. Thomas Aquinas, priest and Doctor of the Church, was born in Italy is 1224 and died in 1274. Thomas taught that Christian revelation and human knowledge are aspects of a single truth and cannot be in conflict with one another. One of the greatest theologians, he is patron of schools, universities, students and booksellers.
Friday, 31st January, St. John Bosco, 1815-1888, born in Piedmont, founded the Salesians to educate boys for life. He also became involved in publishing catechetical material for youth. He is a patron saint of youth and of Catholic publishers.
Saturday, 2nd February, St. Brigid, is renowned for her hospitality, almsgiving, and care of the sick. She was born c.454. When she was young her father wished to make a very suitable marriage for her but she insisted in consecrating her virginity to God. She received the veil and spiritual formation probably from St. Mel and stayed for a period under his direction in Ardagh. Others followed her example and this led her to found a double monastery in Kildare with the assistance of Bishop Conleth. She died in 524 and her cult is widespread not only throughout Ireland but in several European lands. The St. Brigid’s Cross, in legend used by Brigid to explain the Christian faith, remains a popular sign of God’s protection.