
Over the last number of weeks we looked at Matthew Kelly’s writing on holiness. The reflection on holiness that he gives to us is based on the understanding of holiness in the document on the nature of the Church, Lumen Gentium (The light of the Nations). Chapter five of that document is called ‘The Universal Call to Holiness in the Church’. This quote is taken from paragraph n.41 in this chapter:

“The classes and duties of life are many, but holiness is one—that sanctity which is cultivated by all who are moved by the Spirit of God, and who obey the voice of the Father and worship God the Father in spirit and in truth. These people follow the poor Christ, the humble and cross-bearing Christ in order to be worthy of being sharers in His glory.”

Let us all try to live ‘the best life that we can live’ trying to live holy lives within whatever vocation in life has been given us. May the Lord bless us all and keep us safe.