Feast Days

Wednesday, 29th May, Pope St. Paul VI, born in 1897 and died on 6th August 1978, Giovanni Battista Montini, was ordained priest on 29 May 1920. He worked in the Vatican before becoming Archbishop of Milan in 1954. Elected Pope in 1963, taking the name Paul VI, he succeeded Pope John XXIII and continued the Second Vatican Council. A messenger of peace, he sought to open the Church to the modern world; he began the papal apostolic visits, as a pilgrim to the Holy Land. Beatified 2014 and canonised 2018

Friday, 31st May, The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The liturgy for this feast day recalls the ‘Blessed Virgin Mary carrying her Son within her’ and visiting Elizabeth to offer charitable assistance and to proclaim the mercy of God the Saviour.

Saturday, 1st June, St. Justin, martyr, born in the Holy Land, he moved to Rome where he became a Christian. He is remembered for his defence of Christian belief and practice. He was martyred c.165