COP28 — UN Climate Conference in Dubai, November 30th to December 12th

Continuing on from last week, Bishop Hayes also wrote: “On ‘Energy Transition’, the LSWG highlights Pope Francis’ view of COP28 as “a historic moment for our world, agreeing on ‘binding forms of energy transition’ (LD, 59). Pope Francis expresses the hope that this energy transition meets three conditions: be efficient, obligatory and readily monitored. In order to begin a new process of energy transition, away from fossil fuels, Pope Francis advocates ‘that it be drastic, intense and count on the commitment of all’ (LD 59). In the spirit of caring for our common home, we ask that the Government of Ireland take steps towards the ending of all fossil fuel subsidies and thereby ensure a fair transition to renewable energy. Encouraged by the divestment from fossil fuels policy of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference, initiated in 2018, we urge that as a country we pledge our support for the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.”