This week is the last week in the Church’s year. The New Year begins with the Vigil Mass of the First Sunday of Advent. From this last year we could pick out a number of things that are important and significant for the parish — first and foremost we continue to pray for all who were, and who still are suffering from the floods. A major disaster that needs to have its roots properly investigated and the correct solutions to be found and taken to sort out what has to be done. Half-hearted attempts
won’t work.
The second thing in relation to parish is the work that has been done so far on the new Parish Pastoral Centre. At the moment on schedule and within budget and hopefully will continue so.
Thirdly, the new Pastoral Council is beginning to find it’s feet and in the New Year we will be able to give an update on what it will be working on over the next three years. we ask you all to keep all the members of the Council in your prayers and may we be guided by the Spirit in all we do.