Monday 14th, St. Maximilian Kolbe, 1894-1941, a Conventual Franciscan who worked in the apostolate of the press in Poland and Japan. He died in Auschwitz.
Tuesday 15th, “The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, honours the fullness of blessedness that was her destiny, the glorification of her immaculate soul and virginal body that completely conformed her to the risen Christ. This is a celebration that offers to the Church and to all humanity an exemplar and a consoling message, teaching us the fulfilment of our highest hopes. Their own future glorification is happily in store for all those whom Christ has made his own brothers and sisters by taking on their flesh and blood (Marialis Cultus). Patronal Day of France, India, Malta and Paraguay.
Wednesday 16th, St Stephen of Hungary, 975-1038, first King of Hungary and its patron saint, worked for the conversion of his people to Christianity.
Thursday 17th, Our Lady of Knock; the apparition at Knock took place on the 21 August 1879. This miraculous apparition when Our Lady, St. Joseph and St. John appeared along with Christ as Lamb on an altar at the gable wall, was witnessed by fifteen people, young and old. Pope St. John Paul II visited in 1979 and Pope Francis in 2018. It was declared to be an International Shrine of Eucharistic and Marian Devotion by Pope Francis on the Feast of St. Joseph, 19th March 2021.
Saturday 19th, St. John Eudes, 1601-1680, from Normandy, he spent twenty years with the French Oratory, then left to found a congregation to improve the standards of the clergy through seminaries. He founded also the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity and Refuge. He was a powerful preacher and among the first to promote devotion to the Sacred Heart.