The Midleton Corpus Christi Procession will take place on Sunday 11th June the Feast of Corpus Christi. Midleton Pastoral Council extend a warm welcome or ‘Failte’ to all who wish to join us in our walk of faith as we welcome and accompany our saviour Jesus Christ in the Eucharist at the centre of our Corpus Christi procession. This tradition of a Eucharistic procession has been undertaken in the parish at this time of year for well over one hundred years. The route of the procession will be from the Church, up St. Mary’s Road, turning at the top of the road and returning to the Church through the graveyard. The procession is expected to be a dignified celebration of our faith, with parishioners walking together in celebration of their faith, a pilgrim people in a walk to support each other in faith and friendship. Please note: On the day of the procession, the only cars allowed in Holy Rosary grounds before the Noon Mass are those with the ‘disability pass’. All other cars that may have been there earlier should be removed and no other cars should park there on that morning.