Congratulations to the pupils of the Gaelscoil who received Holy Communion for the First Time this weekend. Please keep the pupils of St. John the Baptist and Educate Together who will celebrate the sacrament next week end in your prayers. The time of the ceremony next Saturday the 27th is 10am. All welcome.
We are drawing close to the end of the Easter season. The next four Sundays cover important topics within our faith: this weekend we celebrate the Ascension, next week (27th/28th) we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost and the fulfilment of Christ’s promise to send the ‘Advocate’, on the 3rd/4th June we celebrate the Most Holy Trinity and, on the 10th/11th, The Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ (Corpus Christi). Details regarding the procession on Corpus Christi are been sorted at the moment and should be available next weekend.