Feast Days during the week

Tuesday 24th, St Francis de Sales, 1567-1622. (Bishop and Doctor of the church) bishop of Geneva, founder of the Visitation Sisters. He worked with gentleness and love to rebuild the Catholic faith after the Reformation. Patron saint of writers, editors and journalists.

Wednesday 25th, The Conversion of Saint Paul, Apostle. St. Paul preached the power of God at work in the lives of each one of us. His own conversion shows that power in his life. Out of a persecutor God made a preacher and teacher of the peoples. Paul never ceased to express thanks and wonder for this grace. But he still prayed for perseverance. (This feast day marks the end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity)

Thursday 26th, Ss. Timothy and Titus bishops were close to St. Paul as followers and later in their work with him. Tradition makes Timothy the first bishop of Ephesus and from Paul’s advice to him to take some wine for his stomach’s sake, he has been invoked as a patron in cases of stomach complaints. Titus was sent to organise the Church in Crete.

Friday 27th, St. Angela Merici, 1474-1540, founder of the Ursulines, devoted herself to Christian education based on love, kindness with firmness, and concern for the individual.

Saturday 28th St Thomas Aquinas, was born in Italy in 1224. He died in 1274. Thomas taught that Christian revelation and human knowledge are aspects of a single truth and cannot be in conflict with one another, One of the greatest theologians, he is a doctor of the Church and patron of schools, universities, students and booksellers.