Sundays: Holy Rosary, Vigil 6.10pm Saturday evening; Morning 8am, 10am and Noon; Ballintotis, 10.30am
Weekdays: Masses this week: Monday to Friday, 8.00 am & 10.00am Saturday, 10am.
All Masses in Holy Rosary are televised on Saorview and streamed on the Internet. The Church closes at 6pm.
Friday 25th: Our annual Mass for all who died since last November will take place on Friday 25th November at 7.30pm. During that Mass, a list of all those in our parish death register will be read out and a candle lit for each person. This list consists of all those whose funeral Mass took place in a church of the parish or who were buried in a parish graveyard. Anyone who was living in the parish but whose funeral took place elsewhere can be included provided the family send the information to the parish office by Wednesday 23rd November.
Confessions in the Adoration Chapel on Saturdays from Noon to 1pm.