This weekend is the August Bank Holiday weekend. There will be only one Mass celebrated in the parish on Bank Holiday Monday: the 10am in Holy Rosary.
Feast days during the week
This Sunday, 6th August, is the feast of the Transfiguration.
Tuesday, the 8th, is the Feast of St. Dominic founder of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) to counteract heresy through instruction and prayer.
Thursday the 10th is the Feast of St. Lawrence (died 258) died burned on a gridiron. He is the patron saint of chefs.
Friday the 11th is the Feast of St. Clare, of Assisi, friend of St. Francis and founder of the Poor Clares.
St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) was born in 1891 at Breslau in Poland, the youngest of seven children of a Jewish family. A brilliant student, she gained her doctorate in philosophy at twenty-five. She became a Catholic in 1922 and later a Carmelite nun. Because of her Jewish background she had to flee to the Netherlands when the Nazis came to power but she was captured and sent to Auschwitz where she died in its gas chamber on 9th August 1942. She is one of the Patron Saints of Europe, her Feast Day is on Wednesday 9th August.