The obligation to attend Mass is still suspended, you are not obliged to attend Mass at Christmas or at any other time for the present.
All Masses are broadcast on parish television and streamed over the internet.
Those who wish to attend Mass over Christmas are strongly recommended to attend only one Mass over the three days of Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Sunday 26th.
Your cooperation with this should allow adequate space for everyone who wants to come to Mass over the three days to do so safely. You can participate in all of the other Masses on television or online.
Every second seat in the church will remain closed, so that you can know that there will not be other people very near you.
Family groups are asked to come together and all sit in the same seat.
Each open seat is marked with three white dots which are 2 metres apart. These may be of help in maintaining social distancing.
You are encouraged to occupy seats in the front section of the church as there is often more space there than at the back.
Stewards will be present who may help you to find a seat if you wish.
The priest will explain the system for receiving communion at each Mass
Public health advice is that communion should only be received in the hand and not on the tongue.