2025 Jubilee Year of Hope

The fourth sign of the times for us to keep in mind as Pope Francis addresses us is the sign of hope to the sick. He says in n. 11:

“Signs of hope should also be shown to the sick, at home or in hospital. Their sufferings can be allayed by the closeness and affection of those who visit them. Works of mercy are also works of hope that give rise to immense gratitude. Gratitude should likewise be shown to all those healthcare workers who, often in precarious conditions, carry out their mission with constant care and concern for the sick and for those who are most vulnerable.”

As well as showing signs of hope to the sick we are also called to recognise the important role played by those who care for them. The pope acknowledges that at times the conditions they may work in are not very good and yet they do everything they can to alleviate the-suffering of those who are sick.

“Inclusive attention should also be given to all those in particularly difficult situations, who experience their own weaknesses and limitations, especially those affected by illnesses or disabilities that severely restrict their personal independence and freedom. Care given to them is a hymn to human dignity, a song of hope that calls for the choral participation of society as a whole.” He highlights those who are affected by illnesses or disabilities that restrict their freedom. He encourages the whole of society to recognise them and bring hope to them during this time and at all times.