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Mass times

Sunday Masses: Holy Rosary, Vigil 6.10pm; Morning 8am, 10am and 12 Noon. Ballintotis 10.30am Weekdays: Monday to Friday, 8am and 10am; Saturday 10am.

Pope’s Intentions for March

For families in crisis: “Let us pray that broken families might discover the curefor their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other’s gifts, even in their differences. ”.

Station Masses

The Mass for the Town Stations will be celebrated in Holy Rosary, on Monday 24th March @ 7.30pm

First Confessions

Congratulations to all the children from St. John the Baptist and Educate Together schools who celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) for the first time last Tuesday evening. May the Lord bless them, their families and their teachers.

Feast Days

Tuesday, 25th March, The Annunciation of the Lord. “Giving her consent to God’s word, Mary becomes the mother of Jesus. Espousing the divine will for salvation wholeheartedly, without a single sin to restrain her, she gave herself entirely to the…
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Quote for the Week

“My life plan is to be always close to Jesus” Blessed Carlo Acutis

Date of Easter

Date of Easter: Pope Francis also refers to the fact that the way Easter is worked out was decided at this Council. He says, “The Council of Nicaea also discussed the date of Easter. To this day, different approaches to…
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Mass times

Sunday Masses: Holy Rosary, Vigil 6.10pm; Morning 8am, 10am and 12 Noon. Ballintotis 10.30am Monday 17th March: The Solemnity of St. Patrick, Patron Saint of Ireland. Masses: Vigil Mass, Sunday evening 6.10pm; St. Patrick’s Day 8am, 10am and 12 noon…
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Pope’s Intentions for March

For families in crisis: “Let us pray that broken families might discover the curefor their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other’s gifts, even in their differences.”.

Station Masses

Spring Stations this year, the two nights are:Rural Stations in St. Colman’s Church, Ballintotis on Tuesday 18th March @ 7.30pmTown Stations in Holy Rosary, Midleton, on Monday 24th March @ 7.30pm