The following Stations will be celebrated in Holy Rosary Church at 7.30 p.m.
Mon. Sept. 25th BAILICK: Road, Avenue, Court, CHERRYWOOD: Ridge, Heights, The Granary, Wood Quay, Charleston Wharf RIVERSIDE: Park, Estate, Rosary Place, Fr. Murphy Place and Church View.
Tue. Sept. 26th THE ROCK: Roxboro Close, Youghal Road, (including Youghal Road Castleredmond), Rockgrove, BEECHWOOD: Court, Drive, Oakwood Lodge, Park South, The Oaks, ST. MARY’S: Road, Terrace, Convent View, Castleredmond Court, Ashwood Crescent and Ashbrook.
Wed. Sept. 27th MAIN STREET WEST Broderick Street, Cooolbawn, Mews, Court, Church Lane, Riverside Way, Thomas Street, The Crescent, New Cork Road, Old Cork Road, Woodlands, Dwyer Road and Chestnut Drive.
Thurs. Sept. 28th CASTLEREDMOND: Rosary Place, Main Road, Lakeview Road, The Cotswolds, Ballinacurra Road, The Dark Road, Árd na Greine, Castleredmond, comprising Oak Park, Orchard Avenue,The Courtyard and The Paddock, Castleredmond Estate
Fri Sept 29th KNOCKGRIFFIN AND WHITEGATE: including Cork Rd North, Dermot Hurley Tce., Kennel Road, Joseph Ahern Tce., Willowbank Court and Crescent.