Public Masses will recommence in Holy Rosary Church on Monday June 29th. Our Mass schedule for the week will be as follows:
10am Monday to Saturday
Extra Masses at 7.30pm on Wednesday and Friday.
Vigil Mass at 6.10 Saturday.
Sunday Morning 8am, 10am, 12noon.
Please note you are still not obliged to attend Mass on Sunday, or indeed on any day, at present, and if you feel unwell or are worried about going out you should not come to Mass.
As you may know, for the next three weeks the government limit on indoor gatherings, including all churches, is 50 people. To help us to abide by this limit, we have set up a special information line for you to call if you wish to attend Mass next week. You can call this line at 4636508 between 2pm and 4pm on Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday of this week. You can tell us what Mass you would like to come to, and we will be able to tell you if that Mass has reached its limit under current government guidelines.
To allow as many people as possible to get to Mass we are asking you to do the following:
- Please only come to Mass once a week for the present on any day that is convenient for you. Remember, you are not obliged to attend Mass at all at present.
- If you can come on a weekday please do, as there will be families and people working who can only come on Sundays.
So please remember to ring our information line and let us know what Mass you would like to attend.
These are very strange and difficult times, but a generous response from everyone will be a great help to all of us in getting through them. Let’s continue to pray for each other and for all in our parish.
We look forward to welcoming you back.