Monday 22nd, The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Pope Pius XII established this feast day of Mary at the close of the Marian Year 1955. It was given this date to stress the connection with the Assumption.
Tuesday 23rd, St. Rose of Lima, 1586-1617, a member of the Third order of St. Dominic in Lima, Peru was known for her life of severe penance and her care of the poor of the city through her own private efforts. St Eugene, lived in the sixth century and was said to have been taken by pirates to Britain. When he returned to Ireland, he founded a monastery at Kilnamanagh, but his principal foundation was at Ardstraw, Co. Tyrone.
Wednesday 24th, St Bartholomew. His name occurs in the Synoptic Gospels only in the list of the Apostles. Preached the Gospel in India. Patron saint of plasterers, tanners and leather workers.
Thursday 25th, St. Louis of France, 1214-1270. King of France, a Franciscan tertiary and a man of integrity. Patron of French monarchy and military and of barbers; St. Joseph Calasanz, 1556-1648, founded the Piarists to run free schools. Patron of Catholic schools.
Saturday 27th, St. Monica, 332-387. Converted her pagan husband, Patricius, to the faith, and by her prayers and tears brought her son St. Augustine to Christianity and a moral life. Patron saint of mothers.